Wednesday, 16 May 2007

Egg Update 6: More Drama!

We have unconfirmed reports from Eleanor that Mum has brushed aside the original egg, leaving it somewhere behind the nest.

Maybe she has used her 'Sixth sense' as the lovely Ali mentioned and deemed it a lost cause.
We really should name the eggs to give these posts more emotive clout-
Answers on a postcard please! And you'll get to see your chosen name/names in nice shiny lettering on the 'Egg Status' section to the right!

Confirmation of the current situation to come ASAP...


Dave said...

How about we call them Bill & Ted? - As in 'Bill & Ted's Eggcelent Adventure'!

Oh god, I so need to get out of the flat on Friday :-/ said...

Thats a rubbish idea Dave..

I nominate Michi and Elenor!

Best to give them the names of people you know to make it more interesting.

Dave said...

I'm sorry Dan- Just in case her sister/mother read this, I'm NOT writing:

'After 2 days lying on the floor of the balcony, Michi is definetly dead, So I pitched her corpse over the side into the garden'


Nat Uraleza said...

I can't wait to see what happens with the eggs!


Ali P said...

agree with Dan, names of people we know will make it more interesting. I vote for, erm.....Anne Sophie and Anita.

Anne-So said...

could you name one Papagei? Please Dave. You know that I was actually the first one to develop a passion for pigeons :-)
anne so

Dave said...

Sorry Anne-SO & everyone-
Looks like there will be no naming :-(

Anne-So said...

honestly, i think it might be a snake. type 'snake eating egg' in google images and you'll have the proof!
anne so

Dave said...

ld have to be a flying/climbing snake- We're on the 5th floor! ;-)